This was the evolving consciousness I brought with me to the Catskill Mountains this past weekend, where my mom and I attended a retreat with Presbyterian women from across the northeast. This weekend represented an important transition as I had just completed my work with the New York State Senate. I needed to unpack my brain and replenish my soul, which I was able to do amidst the strength of wonderful women.
Many of the Presbyterian Women (PW) associations have financially supported my year in Peru, for which I am extremely grateful. Beyond this was an overwhelming offering of love and guidance, which I received throughout the weekend.
Each of the women I came to know during the three days had a certain sweetness, a "let me tell you, honey" assurance of knowledge and wisdom. We shared meals together, sang hymns, hugged, prayed and talked.
On the first evening, four of us watched the clouds peel away from a full moon of glowing copper. The next morning, I greeted two women on the porch of our communal cabin, bodies slowly waking. I silently passed others along the stone labyrinth, which I walked through unable to hold back giggles - experiencing with joy all that is occurring in me and around me.
We must be willing to get rid of the life we planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. ~Joseph Campbell
Clothe me in my rightful mind, still small voice of calm. ~Hymn
You hem me in, behind and before. ~Psalm 139
Santosha - (Sanskrit) feeling content where one's two feet are